Coaching of your reconversions, transitions and personal and professional development
“We can’t choose the external circumstances, but we can always choose how we respond to them. ” said Epictetus.
For having experienced it myself, I invite my clients to be actors of their own change as well. However, this is not always easy when you are alone with yourself.
Coaching & Becoming offers support for your transitions, reconversions, orientations and your personal and professional development. As a professional coach and HR consultant, I offer personalized coaching sessions and help you find and follow your inner compass!
Your situation
A skills assessment is a relevant support solution when :
You want to find meaning in your work and make a professional reconversion
You hesitate to accept a professional evolution in your career
You feel a feeling of weariness in your professional tasks
You wish to resume an activity after a sick period, a period of unemployment or parental leave
Our coaching
Coaching & Becoming offers skills assessments in several formats for :
Explore and reveal your personality, identity and professional values
To review your experience, to reappropriate your history, to analyse your positive or negative past experiences.
To list and then establish your skills portfolio
To project yourself into the future, dare to dream and highlight your motivations and aspirations.
To determine your criteria for success and to bring out your professional raison d’être
To rough out and then evict or retain possible business leads
To choose a professional project that makes sense and establish your action plan
We will work with you step by step towards your professional equilibrium and design the motivating and coherent professional project that will give you new impetus!
Your situation
You may be interested in career transition coaching when :
You are not fulfilled in your work and need to regain motivation.
You have an opportunity for internal mobility and would like to make a professional point
You are encountering a dissonance between your values and the vision of your company.
You’ve just changed jobs and still don’t feel legitimate…
Our coaching
Coaching & Becoming has the capacity to listen to and analyse your request and offers you individual coaching, validated by a contract of objectives and divided into several sessions of 1h30 to 2 hours for :
Analyze and remove your brakes
To clarify your motivations
To mobilize your resources
To be aligned with your values, your needs, your aspirations
To find the meaning of your action
To achieve a more adjusted professional repositioning
Your situation
Below are a few illustrations of the reasons for personal and professional development coaching:
You feel a lack of self-confidence and this penalizes you on a daily basis.
You feel helpless to resolve tense situations
You are regularly confronted with stress and don’t know how to deal with it.
You would like to have communication keys to harmonize your relationships
Our coaching
As a personal and professional development coach, trained in particular in active listening, coaching of emotions and non-violent communication, I listen to and analyse your request and offer you personalised coaching, validated by a contract of objectives, in several sessions of 1h30 to 2 hours for :
Identify your trouble spots
Advance in this way in a better knowledge of yourself
To adjust your attitude
To develop your potential for the company and for yourself
To regain self-esteem
To find again the meaning of your action in the world.
Your financing needs :
Each person, each team, each project and each context is unique.
Every coaching as well.
That’s why I work to measure and build a unique proposal, tailored to your needs.
Our personalized solutions
According to your professional situation, your objectives and the support format (coaching, advice, training), there are different financing solutions.
Given that my company has been declared a training organisation, validated by Datadock, it is possible for your company to pay for individual training via the CPF or by your company as part of its training plan. Payment facilities may also be considered.
Do not hesitate to contact me and discuss this financial issue very simply so that we can study together what solution to implement.

Process of a skills assessment :
I propose several individual sessions of 1h30 to 2 hours, at a rhythm to be defined together, validated by a contract of objectives and declined in 6 key steps:
Walk on your road because it exists only by your walking.
Saint Augustin
A few testimonials
« The goal of supporting Matthias in his personal development is 100% fulfilled. »
« The coaching and its tools have enabled me to make a concrete assessment of my professional career over the last 20 years. I really benefited from your listening skills, your professionalism and your dynamic support that is always there. »
Let’s meet us on a meeting
As a coach in Normandy, I also act as a coach in Paris or elsewhere and regularly offer remote coaching sessions via zoom, skype… I will be happy to meet you to hear your request and discuss with you on the best way to answer it. Start your change and contact me by mail or phone!